the Inaugural Post, of course
So first, we roll the opening credits:
And now that you've some idea how cheesy this blog intends to be, we can move on.
Hullo! I'm some geek (you can also call me Sara, a less accurate descriptor, but also less of a mouthful), and this is my blog. I'm a communications student, and as part of one of the courses I'm taking this semester, I've made a blog (the one you're reading right now, in fact). This blog will eventually be filled with all manner of movie stuff, all with really cheesy titles too. However, since I am a communications student, I do not get off so lightly as other bloggers may. Every now and again I'll have to get my brain out of storage, and talk about movies not only as a form of entertainment, but also as a means of communication, and will have to discuss themes and messages and other such things.
But I promise to try and make it fun, with bright colours and dancing bunnies and that sort of thing, so that you learn, but you won't realize you're learning until afterwards, when you will feel used and cheated. But there won't be any outright learning, so don't worry!
This is a blog, so I can't stop anyone from posting their opinions, of course. And I wouldn't want to! I'm not even terribly concerned with whether you really support your opinions (like, for instance, it is my opinion that Ben Affleck is funny looking. My support for this argument is that he just is. And that's the truth), but I do ask that if you post here, you are ready to have your opinions giggled at. I expect there are loads of people who think my opinions giggle-worthy, and if you're one of them, please feel encouraged to tell me so. I will do you the same courtesy. However, it must be said that if you DO happen to support your opinion, it becomes much harder to giggle at without making yourself look like an ass. So keep that in mind.
(At the same time, let's all remember that this is really about a form of entertainment, so let's not take it too seriously. You're all allowed one death threat each, and then no more! So use it wisely!) (Just kidding. Don't threaten people on my blog or I will cut you, fool.)
So I suppose that about does it for this inaugural post. If anybody out there is reading this, why don't we get things started off lightly -- if you've a moment, post your three favourite movies of all time in the comments section. I'm not talking about those great movies that everyone is supposed to like (if anyone out there really and truly liked the English Patient, please do comment and tell me why... other than the bit where Colin Firth sings the coconuts song, of course. That I totally understand the appeal of), I mean the movies that you pull out to watch again and again for whatever reason. The ones that made you truly appreciate the coming of DVDs, because it meant you didn't have to buy any more VHS tapes, having worn out the first fifteen. If you're feeling really ambitious, also post why they're your favourite movies (also, none of that giggling I was talking about earlier is allowed at this point. Even if someone likes the English Patient.)
And, hey, while we're at it -- is there any particular characters anyone would really like to see in the Battle Royale feature? Please keep in mind this is not a guaranteed head-on-a-pike, as there will be a one in twenty or thirty chance that they'll come out alive. So be wary of nominating any Ben Affleck characters. (I'm just kidding, we'll totally pike them.)
Blog written and directed by some geek
Theme by some geek on a kazoo
Blog editing: some geek
Production design: some geek
Art direction: some geek
Second unit director: Tim Burton
Visual effects: some geek
Stunts: some geek's cat
Catering and craft services provided by some geek's mom
Executive producer: Harvey Weinstein
A Some Geek Blog
Theme by some geek on a kazoo
Blog editing: some geek
Production design: some geek
Art direction: some geek
Second unit director: Tim Burton
Visual effects: some geek
Stunts: some geek's cat
Catering and craft services provided by some geek's mom
Executive producer: Harvey Weinstein
A Some Geek Blog
And now that you've some idea how cheesy this blog intends to be, we can move on.
Hullo! I'm some geek (you can also call me Sara, a less accurate descriptor, but also less of a mouthful), and this is my blog. I'm a communications student, and as part of one of the courses I'm taking this semester, I've made a blog (the one you're reading right now, in fact). This blog will eventually be filled with all manner of movie stuff, all with really cheesy titles too. However, since I am a communications student, I do not get off so lightly as other bloggers may. Every now and again I'll have to get my brain out of storage, and talk about movies not only as a form of entertainment, but also as a means of communication, and will have to discuss themes and messages and other such things.
But I promise to try and make it fun, with bright colours and dancing bunnies and that sort of thing, so that you learn, but you won't realize you're learning until afterwards, when you will feel used and cheated. But there won't be any outright learning, so don't worry!
This is a blog, so I can't stop anyone from posting their opinions, of course. And I wouldn't want to! I'm not even terribly concerned with whether you really support your opinions (like, for instance, it is my opinion that Ben Affleck is funny looking. My support for this argument is that he just is. And that's the truth), but I do ask that if you post here, you are ready to have your opinions giggled at. I expect there are loads of people who think my opinions giggle-worthy, and if you're one of them, please feel encouraged to tell me so. I will do you the same courtesy. However, it must be said that if you DO happen to support your opinion, it becomes much harder to giggle at without making yourself look like an ass. So keep that in mind.
(At the same time, let's all remember that this is really about a form of entertainment, so let's not take it too seriously. You're all allowed one death threat each, and then no more! So use it wisely!) (Just kidding. Don't threaten people on my blog or I will cut you, fool.)
So I suppose that about does it for this inaugural post. If anybody out there is reading this, why don't we get things started off lightly -- if you've a moment, post your three favourite movies of all time in the comments section. I'm not talking about those great movies that everyone is supposed to like (if anyone out there really and truly liked the English Patient, please do comment and tell me why... other than the bit where Colin Firth sings the coconuts song, of course. That I totally understand the appeal of), I mean the movies that you pull out to watch again and again for whatever reason. The ones that made you truly appreciate the coming of DVDs, because it meant you didn't have to buy any more VHS tapes, having worn out the first fifteen. If you're feeling really ambitious, also post why they're your favourite movies (also, none of that giggling I was talking about earlier is allowed at this point. Even if someone likes the English Patient.)
And, hey, while we're at it -- is there any particular characters anyone would really like to see in the Battle Royale feature? Please keep in mind this is not a guaranteed head-on-a-pike, as there will be a one in twenty or thirty chance that they'll come out alive. So be wary of nominating any Ben Affleck characters. (I'm just kidding, we'll totally pike them.)
At September 21, 2004 at 7:45 p.m.,
some geek said…
Von Spitzburg. So we meet again. You will rue the day you mocked me in my own blog! Rue it!
Ahem, in any case, I must say that I agree with your assertion that Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and Snatch are films of a high caliber. (Caliber! AH HA! And so the puns begin.)
I've heard Guy Ritchie's next film (Revolver) is going to be fairly Americanized (being set in Vegas and all...) I've also heard Jason Statham's American accent is... shall we say... sub-par (read: shite). But I haven't witnessed it first hand.
Hmm... some research on the horizon perhaps...
Anyway, everyone knows that the best part of Jurassic Park is in the third one, when the raptor in the hat talks to Allen, Von Spitzburg. A raptor in a hat! That's comic genius!
At September 21, 2004 at 8:26 p.m.,
some geek said…
You may have won this round, Von Spitzburg, but we have much left to settle, you and I. Oh yes.
In any case, I think Mr Ritchie learned his lesson with Swept Away. He's a good enough writer that he doesn't need to be futzing about with remakes. Here's hoping Revolver is still British enough to be funny. (The British have a much more highly evolved sense of humour than we do. I mean, look at Mr Bean. Heehee. Mr Bean.)
Here's a question for you, Spitzy my old friend -- seen any Quentin Tarantino flicks? (Er, besides Reservior Dogs, since I am, of course aware of the mysterious circumstances behind our mutual viewing of that particular film.) I suppose I can toss this out to anyone who might be reading this -- how d'you think Ritchie stacks up against Tarantino? Or Tarantino against Ritchie, if that be your inclination? I leave it to you to discuss for now...
Advent Children though... I still haven't seen the newest trailer for that, and am less enthusiastic about it, having finished FFVII and having spent several moments in contemplation of the ending that was not. But that's another story. I'm also discouraged as there will likely be no Hojo. What is cloning for, if not to clone Hojo? I ask you.
At September 21, 2004 at 8:36 p.m.,
Linque said…
Well, I'm usually not nosy enough to go peeking into the blogs of other folks, but I was bored enough to click that little "next" button on the tool bar at the top of my blog and see where it decided to take me. Four blogs later, I found myself here, and interested. ^.^ Now that you've heard the story of the last five minutes of my life, I'll attempt to justify my presence here...
First of all, I'm only seventeen, so I really haven't seen a great variety of films. However, I'm planning my course for college next fall to be in the Communications/Media Arts path, so I thought it might be of my benefit to follow, if not comment on, this blog at the very least to get a better idea of what such schooling entails. If you wanted to, you know, tell me to bugger off at any point and leave you alone, feel free. *eherm*
Now bearing in mind what I said about not having seen very many films as of yet, my three favourite movies of all time (or at least the ones that fit your description of multiple viewings to the point of potentially wearing out) are:
Austin Powers
Lord of the Rings: Return of the King
Pirates of the Carribean
My don't I feel undistinguished...
At September 21, 2004 at 9:00 p.m.,
some geek said…
Only random mushing of my keyboard can express my surprise at someone else actually finding my blog. Observe: fdsjasdfdjksdjsf
Now that that's out of the way, hullo there Fallen! Please feel free to pop up whenever you like (as I said, all are welcome, and I certainly meant it). Also, do not take Von Spitzburg too seriously. Although, Von Spitzburg is a good introduction to Communications students, as Spitzy is the result of Comm students with too much time on their hands. (I should probably clarify that I am NOT actually Spitzy. I don't have quite THAT much time, more's the pity.)
I should probably warn you quickly (yay! disclaimer time!) that while this blog is a class assignment, the subject matter was not picked out for us. We were encouraged to choose a topic and relate it back to our field, but it was really an interest thing. As such, I should warn you that in my degree at least, we don't get to talk a lot about movies. Of course, my degree is focused more on publishing for the web and in print. So! While I invite you to participate (and I am going to try and look at films from the point of view of a communicator), I feel I must warn you, lest you come after me with torch and pitchfork later. (As yet another aside, if you do have any questions about the field of communications, I can certainly do my best to answer them if you'd like to e-mail me.)
I bet you all love me and my long-winded asides!!! :D Get ready for another one: I do have to say that you should never, ever feel undistinguished for enjoying movies that are popular. They're popular for a reason, my friend! Return of the King was the movie event of my generation! (Okay... I may be slightly biased, I do have cardboard hobbits in my room...) Never ever ever deprive yourself of something because it's popular and you don't want to be "mainstream" or "cliched". Love what you love. :) And, dood, just because you love something that is popular doesn't automatically make you mainstream. If you love it because everybody else loves it, then you're mainstream. If you love it because hobbits are possibly the sexiest creatures known to man, then you're creepy like me, and welcome in my blog any time. :D
Anyhoo, I think I'm done now. To summerize, me = talking out of my ass, you = good picker of movies. (Picker is so a word. I'm a Communications student, I know these things.)
At September 22, 2004 at 9:59 a.m.,
some geek said…
I give and I give and I give.
HERE is your dancing bunny.
... heeheehee. Look at him go!
At September 22, 2004 at 10:15 a.m.,
some geek said…
Jimmeh Jimmeh Jimmeh. Where would I be without your obscenities, and your love of porn, and your gooey marshmellow centre.
I haven't seen Hedwig and the Angry Inch yet, likely because I keep having all these weird... Harry-Potter-owl-transvestite imagery problems. Which isn't as much fun as it sounds. But if you're a fan of men dressing like ladies (and who isn't?) then I must insist that you see the Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, the ORIGINAL Aussie drag flick. Made all the more amusing by Hugo Weaving (Agent Elrond -- welcome to Rivendell... Mr Baggins) (LOOK! I CAN BEAT OLD JOKES TO DEATH TOO! :D) anyway, made all the more amusing by Hugo Weaving prancing about in sequins and feathers and spandex, lipsynching "Dancing Queen" and other ABBA favourites.
And now I have to shudder for about fifteen minutes.
At September 22, 2004 at 4:24 p.m.,
Anonymous said…
Well bugger it all. I offically hate technology. You're the technology guru, not I. I had a stupid account, but for unknown reasons it won't let me sign in. Which is sad because it was the greatest name ever! I shall have to get it working so that you can see it. Very disapointed in the technology world.
Anywho, I don't feel like saying exactly who this is. I'm sure that you can figure it out, just give me some time.
So three favourite movies.....There are just so many! Okay, so.....Lord of the Rings Trilogy for Gondor's lack of pants (and Hobbits of course). Master and Commander: The Far side of the world because Jack is a portly pansy, and Hollom is a wanker. and.........Ice Storm! And I have offically scared myself for life. I'm totally kidding. (though I'm gonna have nightmares about that now) Oh in my true fashion Bambi There are so many more, but too many crude jokes lie within.
So yes, looking forward to you having this up and fully running. Should be a good, not so clean, time. As it is though, I've unfortuantly run out of things to say (well that's a lie, but I'm tired and looking at my stack of papers. It really is a stack. WHY do i leave things until the last minute? And look at my killer grammar! Woo! I'd have my head chopped off if my Composition Prof could see this.) So yes, will be off, and will see you...well soon! Ciao!
At September 23, 2004 at 8:50 a.m.,
LFK said…
My name'd Dan, I'm a friend of Lori's. She sent me over here while we were talking because I'm 1. also a communications student and 2. I love movies. In fact, these go together in my articular real. I'm one of those communication students who gets to watch tons of movies in between discussing the differences between Cybernetcs Theories and Cognative Dissonance Theory.
So, done with the introduction.
Favorite movies of all time, or just whatever ones come to my mind right now as I simply watch too many:
1. The Empire Strikes Back - Not only the best of all the existing Star Ears films, but also one of the best movies ever made. when Lucas goes on and on about how the orriginals were flawed, hence all the changes, It's indicative that I couldnt tell the difference when watching the Special Edition in theatres. It's got Yoda, Hoth, AT-ATs, and Vader whipping Luke's butt with one hand.
2. The Iron Giant - I cry almost every time I watch this. It's just that good. If you've watched it with me, you might understand what it does to me. Superman.... Excuse me for a second....
3. Fog Of War - I'm going to put this one on the list because it caught my attention when I looked over at my movie rack before Princess Mononoke, Spiderman, Unbreakable, Run Lola Run, Tripletts of Bellville, or any of my other movies were able to catch my eye. this is probably the best documentary I've ever seen, pulling itself along almost by the sheer force of McNamera's presence. Phillip Glass' soundtrack (he also did Koyaanaquatsi and The Insider) and a wise use of other visuals puts the subject matter into a proper perspective. As well, I love that the entirety of this movie deals not only with problems, but solutions.
So there we go, three of my favorite movies.
Now, to shamelessly self-promote: visit my movie blog
Good Luck with class
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